Thursday, 21 July 2011

want to join us?

Like taking photos?
Then why not join us and have your photo published on our blog!

WEEK 50 is fast approaching and to celebrate we thought we would see if anyone wanted to join us ... so you have 4 weeks to take a picture! ... the theme is GOLD (as it's our Golden Week Anniversary!)

~~~*~~~   Its not a competition - its just a bit of fun!   ~~~*~~~

If you are interested then take your photo & email it to us
before Wednesday 7pm on 17th August.

  • Please make your photos at least 72dpi and 500 pixels x 500 pixels.
  • Remember to include your name.
  • If you have a blog/site you would like it linked to, please just let us know.

Happy snapping
and we are looking forward to seeing your photos!

Week 46 ~ MOTION